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The information contained throughout this website was compiled from many different sources to give a simple overview of owl nutrition, looking specifically at the Great Horned Owl and Burrowing Owl. Without these sources, this website would never have been established. 


Coulombe, H. N. 1971. Behavior and Population Ecology of the Burrowing Owl, Speotyto cunicularia, in the Imperial Valley of California. The Condor  73(2):162-176.


Jackson, L. S., C. A. Thompson and J. J. Dinsmore. 1996. The Iowa breeding bird atlas. University of Iowa Press.


Mikkola, H. 2012. Owls of the World. Buffalo, New York: Firefly Books Ltd. 


Digestive Anatomy

Duke, G. E. 1997. Gastrointestinal physiology and nutrition in wild birds. Proceedings of the Nutrion Society 56:1049-1056.


Tabaka, C. S., D.E. Ullrey, J. G. Sikarskie, S. R. DeBar and P. K. Ku. 1996. Diet, Cast Composition, and Energy and Nutrient Intake of Red-Tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), Great Horned Owls (Bubo virginianus), and Turkey Vultures (Cathartes aura). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 27(2):187-196.


Caldironi, H. A. and M.E. Manes. 2006. Proximate composition, fatty acids and cholesterol content of meat cuts from tegu lizard Tupinambis merianaeJournal of Food Composition and Analysis 19(6):711-714.

Finke, M. D. 2015. Complete nutrient content of four species of commercially available feeder insects fed enhanced diets during growth. Zoo Biology 34(6):554-564.


Mrykalo, R. J., M. M. Grigione and R. J. Sarno. 2009. A comparison of available prey and diet of Florida Burrowing Owls in urban and rural environments: A first study. The Condor 111(3):556-559.


Tabaka, C. S., D.E. Ullrey, J. G. Sikarskie, S. R. DeBar and P. K. Ku. 1996. Diet, Cast Composition, and Energy and Nutrient Intake of Red-Tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), Great Horned Owls (Bubo virginianus), and Turkey Vultures (Cathartes aura). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 27(2):187-196.


York, M. M., D. K. Rosenberg and K. K. Sturm. 2002. Diet and food-niche breadth of Burrowing Owls (Athene cunicularia) in the Imperial Valley, California. Western North American Naturalist 62(3):280-287.


Zimmerman, G., P. Stapp and B.Van Horne. 1996. Seasonal variation in the diet of Great Horned Owls (Bubo virginianus) on shortgrass prairie. The American Midland Naturalist 136(1):149-156.

Energy Requirements

Aschoff, J. and H. Pohl. 1970. Rhythmic variations in energy metabolism. Federation Proceedings 29:1541.


Bozinovic, F. and R. G. Medel. 1988. Body size, energetic and foraging mode of raptors in central Chile. Oecologia (Berlin) 75:456-458.

McNab, B. K. 2009. Ecological factors affect the level and scaling of avian BMR. Comparatic Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 152:22-45.


Robbins, C. T. 1993. Wildlife Feeding and Nutrition. Academic Press

Wijnandts, H. 1984. Ecological energetics of the long-eared owl (Asio otus). Ardea 72:1-92.




Wildscreen Arkive. Accessed March 8th, 2016 from URL:

Range Maps:

Mikkola, H. 2012. Owls of the World. Buffalo, New York: Firefly Books Ltd. 

Gastrointestinal Tract:

Duke, G. E. 1997. Gastrointestinal physiology and nutrition in wild birds. Proceedings of the Nutrion Society 56:1049-1056.

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